Hong Kong Art Exchange Association Hong Kong Art Exchange Association Hong Kong Art Exchange Association
Hong Kong Art Exchange Association
Hong Kong Art Exchange Association
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Hong Kong Art Exchange Association

The Hong Kong Art Exchange Association was established in 2018. It is a non-profit organization formed by a group of artists and educators coming from the field of arts and performance.

Members of the Association have years of professional background experiences from diversified art fields such as visual arts, music, dance, performing arts, youth and children art education, etc. The key members of the Association have been and continue to be involved in the promotion of different arts and exchange development in Hong Kong. They gathered to form the Association with an aim to promote art and cultural exchange for Hong Kong people and students to a broader level, so that more people can take part and share their art creation and performances here.

The Association also hopes to provide a platform for youngsters and children to publish their art works and raise their interests in art through organizing various competitions and exhibitions or exchange programmes with different organizations. Thus, to promote the development of art, culture and creative industries in Hong Kong.

Japan-China Youth Calligraphy, Art and Music Exchange Programme - Art Competition



  • 參加資格:港澳區「佳作賞」100名入選者
  • 日本交流團費用 : 港幣$18,500/人
  • 費用包括:來回機票、書畫音樂交流大會活動、日本福岡當地觀 光活動、文化交流活動、交通及食宿,詳情可參考附件日程表(暫 定)及交流團資料(暫定)。
  • 按入圍人數每10名入圍者的代表院校、藝術中心、畫苑最多可 派一名工作人員以半價參與隨圑。其餘參與代表機構及畫苑最多 派一名隨行工作人員以團費八折優惠參與。
  • 年齡未滿12歲的參加者必須有成人陪同參與交流團。


地點:香港文化中心 (九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號) 日期:2019 年 8 月尾(日子待定) 時間:晚上七時

  • 所有參加者必須經 學校/畫苑/音樂或藝術中心/書法社/團體或機構 報名。
  • 參加者須填寫作品標籤(字體要清楚)及核對資料無誤,把作品標籤貼於作品背面。
  • 填妥代表團體報名表及並以電郵方式 及郵寄遞交。
  • 將作品及表格連同劃線支票(抬頭請寫「香港藝術交流協會有限公司」)於下列指定日期前送到/郵寄到:油塘茶果嶺道610號生利工業中心2樓4號的作品收集點,封面請註明「香港藝術交流協會」收。
截止日期:2019年5月15日 (所有稿件必須在此日期前到達) 查詢電話:2370 1078 WhatsApp:6717 0718 電郵:info@hkaea.hk

Competition Process

Competition Rules

Hong Kong Art Exchange Association


Hong Kong Art Exchange Association
The HKAEA was established in 2018
It is a non-profit organization
formed by a group of artists and educators
coming from the field of arts and performance.
Copyright © 2025 Hong Kong Art Exchange Association All rights reserved.